 Thinking of sending your jewelry by mail> There is that commercial that come on that pays you for gold but, you have to mail it to them.---YOUR JEWLERY. Reports indicate that they are not paying top price for the Gold. That is a problem when they already have your Gold and you have the money. Best thing to do is not send your Gold. If you sell your Gold, it is best that you are holding it in your possession when getting an estimate to what your getting for it rather then sending it by mail and you receiving what they want to pay you. No one in their right mind is going to send their jewelry by mail to anyone. This is the type of method based on the theory [ and well proven ] that if there is one or more to take the bate [hey] it's wroth it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Send your message about my editorials.



 Durring the Busch administration alot of neglect by the administrion to protect the people not only from physical harm but financial also, has been prevelent thruout his administrtionn. It is self evident of these events taking place. The gas prices, the bank and auto bailouts. The current ressession.


The race for Prsident was lame and predictable. Obama did not have a opponent to chalenge. He and every else from the beginning that McCain and Hillary were left in the race, that Obama was already slated for the White House.
Mine or nobody elses vote was going to make a ddifference. . Obama was going to win with or without your support.


About the Presidential elections:
The race was alright.  Once it was McCain, Obama and Hillary I already knew who was going to win.
Obama, ofcourse handles himself well  and did present himself to be a formidable opponent. But, it was mainly Hillary and MCCain who sealed Obamas destiny.


Hillary or McCain as President? It seemed unrealistic.


It seems plausible but, only if another candidate was running to equal McCaind and Hillary's strategy to win.
McCain thought that the country was going to feel sorry for his ex[erience at Hotel Hanoi so he made us all suck on that one for a while. And Hillary probably went along for the ride just to give Obama a headache with her ranting and pointless rhetoric. Not even Hillary's tears during one interview made a difference.
McCain selecting a woman to run with is maybe a chance at getting some females to vote formhim but,  again it was wishful thinking.


When going mano-a-mano with Obama, McCain came across with the aptitude a unprepared and just plain tired and old.
A subject I really know nothing about is raising children. I don't have any.
I got a big family so I see things and hear things.
All parents and childre ofcourse are not the samer.
If anything, what I see is that there is always a flaw in how one raises his children. A parent may raise one child one way and the other another.. I perceive it a bit as favoritism. The parent will scold one child while the other is not.
One mistake to spoil your children. Never ask them what the y want. Always explain to them that when not asked wwhat they  want is because they do nto have that option. Let them know that if they can select they will be asked. This method will aloow the child to accept what you give them without making an argument of it. When a child is learning about the things of life this and other teaching are best learned and instilled ion them when they are very young.
It is unfair to a child when a parent expects a child to get used to new rules that were first taught to that child differenlty.
I do not think it is ever a good time in one's life to have children. Children are intrusive and disruptive in one's style of life.
But, for those who want to have a child , it is best to know that to provide for that child everything that child neds from that person,  you will have to dedicate all of yourself, to the child.
Some moms have this thing about taking a  break from their kids. That is nonsence.
You should have take a break from procreating is more like it.
You got a kid you got yourself into that situation now deal with it.
It is not a toy to put on a shelve. A tennis racket that you can just  put down.
Should pets be kept when having a newborn or baby living with you?
I do not think it is a good idea to have animals of any kind in your home .  Evne if you have children opf any age.
Pets are good for families, but you always take a risk when having any type of pet be it caged or not.
If you have children, the children themselves may put themselves in harms way.
No pets arround  newborns, babies or children.
Evolution has never been proven. It is a theory. All we really know is that in one instance there are pre-historic anaimals and the next ... their gone.
They did exist but, a sequence of events to prove evolution has yet to proved. A sequence of events is unearthing  a fossil not once but several different locations and each location being from a different stage of its evolution. Being this the case, what you will have is several fossils of the species but each being millions of years apart. This without doubr, would prove evolution. It has not been done.
As I have stated before, there is no sequence of events to prove that animals or man went thru  a metamorphirical change.
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