

Rudy Julianne was unfortunate today to provide me a seating to his interview with of meet the press.

Rudy has a business in security and a law firm. Apparently his clientele is a who's-who in the bracket of national known political tyrants. Rudy's response to catering to this type of clientele.. His answer was that he provides a service to the company and it just happens that these tyrants receive the service. He was asked about New York's corrupt Chief of police that he appointed and his response was that even though one of his top staff confirms that he did inform Rudy of the Chief’s questionable past of corruption, Rudy denies that he was ever informed. Rudy did apologize during the interview for his mistake in appointing the Chief and claims that he learned from the experience and would not do it again. His ties with a committee that was spearheaded by State Rep. Jim Baker to oversee the security of the U.S. following 9-1-1 proved Julianne to be totally into himself. The committee shortly after Julianne joined was ousted for not attending. Julianne provided the interviewer that he was pre-occupied with is intentions to run for president of the U.S. but in fact was criticized for keeping so many speaking engagements [he is the Mayor of the city that was attacked on 9-1-1 ] and putting the committee on the burner. Julianne in any way, communicated with the committee concerning his estrangement from them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its no secret that the FBI/ CIA are solely responsible for the security of the U.S. But why the FBI and the CIA did not prevent the demise of the World Trade Center. What happened? The U.S. government did conclude that failure to maintain communication between both institutions contributed to the failure to prevent the 9-1-1 events. The government did upgrade it's working policies, procedure and practices and now there is an ameliorated system in place allowing the FBI and CIA to work as a unit. It is unfortunate that the 9-1-1 event had to take place to bring it to the attention of the U..S. Governmente. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes being the Devil’s advocate just comes naturally and not much fun. Recent reports indicate that some parents got together to brain storm just what to do about the rampant school shootings and they came up with the [$175.00] bulletproof back-pack for school kids. It' been proven to stop most lethal bullets. Maybe it could turn into a lucrative enterprise, but when you think about it your asking to get your kid killed. What happens when you turn a bad situation into a lucrative one-you basically do not look at things from the lunatic's Perspective-meaning-if you put yourself in the mind of a psychopath, your target is going to be to kill the kid with the bulletproof back-pack. You see the kid holding up the back-pack [probably only the kid with the rich parents in rich neighborhoods will afford them] and your going to do your best to get around that back-pack and shoot your target. Psychopaths take it personally when kept from hitting their target. It is a great idea but one to play with a psychopath’s scheme of playing target practice and the target is anyone holding up a back-pack. The plate inside the lining of the back-pack is going to be cut out and may be used as a bullet proof vest. This can com in handy in gang fights, robberies, assaults and other criminal activity. Whether a bullet-proof back-pack is what will convince a parent that his/ her child stand a chance of surviving another Columbine, it is the irony that the parent should expect that his/ her child stands a big chance of being caught in the scope of a killers gun or in the crossfire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lately, the new way to make money for local U.S. Government entities is to place cameras at red light intersections. Good Ides but claims by authorities indicate that rear-end accidents are up-supposedly, because no one wants a ticket so they slam on their brakes causing the driver behind to hit the vehicle that is braking suddenly rather than get a ticket they probably end up getting a ticket anyway and having to deal with insurance going up-Good job local U.S.Governemnt. And another thing to take into account is that these cameras do not prevent accidents because I always brake at a yellow light but occasionally pas a yellow or red but by accident, So am I going to get ticketed because I passed it by accident-ofcourse. The problem is that the local U. S. Government authorities just do not have enough police to handle the traffic. So they want the cameras to do the officer’s job and make plenty of money at the same time. Why does not the U.S. Government ever come up with an idea that does not include having to make the citizens pay something out of their hard earned pay? This remind me of how the mayor of Houston, Texas sent out notices in the water bills informing the citizens to indicate that they did not want to make a contribution to some program he was promoting for trash pickup, and if your did not indicate that you did not want to participate then the a certain amount would be charged to you on your next bill. Can you imagine how many citizens are not going to notice this and send in the bill without indicating that they did not want to make a contribution? The Mayors idea is this- if they have to indicate that they do not want to make a contribution then most of the citizens will not notice the information asking for the contribution, sp it is a more sure thing to have then automatically charged the contribution amount if the citizen does not indicate that they do not want to make the contribution. _____________________________ If Gore is so much into this futile attempt to have the rid of green gas then why not include it in his concerns when he was running for president. Why is he doing it now? What motive doe he have to pursue this project. And this guy has got some power behind him to be able to pull-off this Global what-ever-concert, though the talent line-up was lame, just to make it happen tells you he's got some muscle behind it. Most certainly, is that the anti-Busch artists made it a must to be there just to throw it in Busch's face? This Gore thing seems on the level but with the money that Gore is making from it just does not make it right. It is really pathetic that the world has to be at it's end just for some has-been like Gore to profit from it, What's next, stop the coming of Armageddon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc.ECJR >The Texas Parole Boards decision to go easy on a fugitive is not standing well with the Crime Stoppers. Following its intense support to find the fugitive the leniency by the authorities extended to the fugitive made CRIME STOPERS efforts futile. > Consecutive beatings by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) have the nation in an uproar. It seems that the LAPD leads the nation in police brutality. LAPD notoriety for police brutality includes the infamous footage of Rodney King being fiercely whacked with nightsticks by the LAPD. Another film-footage of LAPD brutality is when immigrants are beaten with nightsticks on the side of the freeway. While many of the illegal immigrants made their get-away, those that remained in the vehicle were taken out of the truck and beat repeatedly by the LAPD >Bacteria attributed to hepatitis -A, was detected in the water in Galveston, Texas Beaches.. Some cities are permitted by the U.S. Government to discard barges of garbage in the ocean waters. >The NOAFC has concerns for broken electric meters that can be seen adjacent to the sidewalk. The meters are exposed and accessible to children. The NOAFC is asking that metal covers be applied to prevent damage and to protect the children in the neighborhoods. >Bad tempered and plain rude are the description of how public bus drivers can behave. Civilians being left behind by drivers who are not observant of the bus stops. If you do not move quick enough the driver, will close the doors and leave you behind. These civilians are carrying groceries or other purchased merchandise that prevents them from moving quickly to the bus. Some bus drivers are running late and will not wait for civilians. Some civilian wave down the drivers and are passed up with the slightest concern by the bus driver. Leaving a bus stop and stopping at a bus stop have the drivers causing the passengers discomfort. When they leave the bus stop they pull away with such sudden force that if the passenger is not seated the passenger is hurled about violently to the extent of causing injury. Another complaint by passengers is when coming to a bus stop; the passenger is standing and preparing to exit the bus, and instead of slowing the bus the driver brakes violently, causing the standing passenger to be jerked about in a manner of casing injury. In addition, these violent stops by drivers are complaints by passengers that their ride is not a pleasant experience. Having their head jolted forward giving the affect of a whiplash to the neck AREA is another complaint by passengers when the driver makes these wrenching stops. >The Texas Parole Boards decision to go easy on a fugitive is not standing well with the Crime Stoppers. Following its intense support to find the fugitive the leniency by the Parole Board toward the fugitive made CRIME STOPERS efforts a waste of time. >Gas companies have right to drill for minerals on private land. Ranchers own the land but according to the government, whatever is under is up for grabs and there is not a thing the owner of the land can do about it. “Valleys that were pristine are becoming industrial landscape” >Bacteria attributed to hepatitis -A, was detected in the water in Galveston, Texas Beaches. Some cities are permitted by the U.S. Government to discard barges of garbage in the ocean waters. >Broken electric meters that can be seen adjacent to the sidewalk. The meters are exposed and accessible to children. Metal covers should be applied to prevent damage and to protect the children in the neighborhoods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What's the deal on these Presidential privileges of pardoning by the U.S. President?? : There is not a U.S. Government institution crazy enough or let's say honorable enough to do away with the privilege extended to the President of the United States of America of that of pardoning anyone he wants if convicted on a court of the U.S.. To see Hillary Clinton get on her soap box haranguing and maligning Busch for his actions of pardoning Liddy is hypocrisy. Who knows what evil dwells in the mind of ex-president, Bill Clinton if he knows that he someday can also be pardoned by his wife, the President of the Untied States. TH president's pardon of Liddy, is one sign of his last days in office-if you remember, Clinton, in his last days passed out pardons left and right. Note: I strongly believe that there does have to be a Godfather [mafia type] in the U.S.Governement and the president is just that. You got the Republican Party [syndicate] and the Democratic Party [syndicate]. One party guns down a raise on the minimum wages while the other guns down in return a break on taxes for the rich-and as you see-both parties fight it out on different grounds. And back to the president-the pardoning is basically set up for power-power to backup its goons when it comes to paying the price of doing unethical acts to support the Godfather in some indirect manner. An hey... what's better than getting on the G's best side... He’s the President of the United States and he can pardon me from doing jail time-NO QUESTIONS ASKED. POWER TO EVEN DO THE UNETHICAL... PARDONING A CRIMINAL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pope announces decree that Catholic Church is the true church If anything, this may explain why the Catholic Church allowed the execution of millions during the holocaust. The only two other religions that practice this edict is Satan's Church and the Koran. If the Catholic Church permitted the execution of millions during the holocaust, this statement by the Vatican pope substantiates the possibility that the Catholic Church will stand by while the antichrist takes its stance to execute every Christ believing protestant, Baptist, Pentecost and the list goes on. If every church is a heretic, then the Catholic church, is not going to give the Antichrist no lip to rid of us miscreants. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That Border Patrol may be watching to much A-Team re-runs. Numerous immigrants in a vehicle that was traveling at a high rate of speed died after a border patrol helicopter dropped alloy nails in its path. The only survivors said that they tried to warn the driver but the driver refused to stop or slow down. The survivor said that still that was no reason for the border patrol to drop the nails. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IS THE ANTICHRIST A REPUPLICAN OR A CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICE WORKER? A CPS WORKER HAS BEEN KNOWN TO PUT THE SAFETY OF A CHILD SECOND TO MEETING QUOTAS AND A REPUBLICAN, WELL IF YOU DO NOT GIVE HIM AND HIS RICH BUDDIES A TAX CUT THEN THEY DO NOT GIVE US A RAISE IN MINIMUM WAGE- AND THAT IS WHAT THEY DID BECAUSE THE DEMOCRATS DID NOT WANT TO GIVE THE RICH A TAX CUT. IS NOT THE REPUPLICAN THEN AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE? THE CPS WORKER-JUST TRYING TO MAKE A LIVING AND TRYING TO KEEP THEIR JOBS AND AT THE COST OF MURDERED AND SEXUALLY ABUSED CHILDREN. BUT TO BE FAIR, CAN THE SAFETY OF ANY CHILD REALLY BE DEPENDANT ON A INDIVIDUAL WITH THE THOUGHT OF, "WILL MY HAIR APPOINTMENT BE CANCELED, WHILE ALL THE WHILE, DURRING THE INTERVIEW WITH THE CHILD, THE CHILD IS TRYING TO CONVEY- IN THE MOST EMPHATICAL MANNER THAT A CHILD CAN- THAT HER FATHER IS HAVING SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH HER/ HIM OR THAT SHE/ HE IS BEING BEATEN AND TORTURED. CAN A CHILD PROTECTIVE WORKER BE ATTENTIVE TO THE EXTREME OF NOT ALLOWING ONGOING ABUSE THAT LEADS TO IMMENENT DEATH IN SOME CASES? AND BACK TO THE REPUBLICANS- WITH THE HIGH PRICES OF GAS, YOU WOULD THINK THAT THE MILLIONS IN BONUSUS THAT THE OIL EXECUTIVES RECIEVE CAN CONVINCE ANYONE THAT TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH IS THAT LAST THING ON A $5.50 AN HOUR WORKER WITH SWEAT ON HER/HIS BROW. "THE ANTI-CHRIST SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY TROUBLE FINDING RECRUITS". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Oppression on U.S. Citizens Why are terrorist having their way with the United States and why are the schools in the United States looked upon as prisons with -guards and routine searches- and why are food and products going up in price and why is gas continuing to rise in price and why are so many American solider dying in war? All these factors are vital to a social stability and it is all falling apart. What can we expect? In my assessment, things will get worse, because all these factors that we are accustomed to as everyday social life, are getting scarce or hard to come by. One family said that their travels have been postponed for the first time due the gas prices. This change in social activities by that family will have a effect on their children in the manner that the children are faced with a change that is not good for family structure. The family may have used the travel time to re-affirm their unit as a family. Now you can understand how that part of their lives is taken away by gas prices. It is simple events like these that are affecting millions of families and not for the best but, for the worst. Then comes the question of how the greatest government in the world got itself such crisis. How does the U.S. government allow these things to take place? Obviously, it is not good for the American people so why do the American people have to experience these and other social maladies. All these crisis the American people are facing today allow business growth for some. Right now American are short of cash because overnight they are faced with food, products, gas high prices so loan companies and mortgage companies and companies that assist in helping people get out of dept are making a killing. When the American people are in a fiscal, mental and even health wise crisis even practitioners that promise remedies for depression, anxiety and other mental deficiencies are coming out of the woodwork. Also, to make ends due to high prices of gas, food and products, many families where one parent works may have to have both parents working-this arrangement begin a cycle I choose to call 'neglect of children by omission but, in this case, these parents have no choice so I will call it, 'neglect of children due to oppression by the U.S. Government'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Warming Hypocrisy Music business has probably been the most responsible for Global warming Crow blasts her songs to gas guzzling motor vehicles on TV commercials- this is the same hypocrisy I talk about that concerns every action of every organization and in this case it is the Gore Organization . The music business practices every anti- gore principle when it comes to global warming. The require tour buses, airplanes, [private jets mostly] limousines- Scientists studied the effects of a sky without planes during the grounding of planes in the U.S.. when 911 took place and discovered that fumes from the planes diminished significantly and cause the ground to become hotter then normal. They concluded that without the fumes [pollution] from the planes, the ground would not have protection from the heat of the sun which is due to the depletion of the ozone layer. This type of social occurrence I will coin 'Global Warming Hypocrisy', I could not come up with anything more worthy. It's all about the money . Gore's Global Warming stint is much like any other non-profit endeavor that really has no resolution only to line the pockets of committee members and other constituents. You see when you start and organization and in this case-what is Gores Organization called? - You receive a stipend and bonuses. With the high profile of Gores Global Warming, you know that millions are being exchanged so some of it is going to Gore. The organization that you see all the time during the commercial break claiming to feed the children has been around for decades-you would think by now they would have implemented a solution and they would close-up shop. But, if they close- up shop they will relinquish the opportunity to continue lining their pockets with millions of dollars of your donations, You see, organization are allowed to pay individuals that work for them along with committee members and other involved whether in the organization or not just as long as they play some part in the activities of the organization. This is what Gore is up to. He has embarked on what I call A never-ending project to save something [even Jesus Christ said that you would always have, the poor] that is either to late to save and wants to make it look plausible that a solution is around the corner if we can get a concert of some of the lamest acts available or drag on his cause until were all up to our necks in water. His cause still sounds to corny and not feasible. For all I know he probably already has a solution up his sleeve, which is characteristic of Gore. And as is with any wanna- be politician or for that matter any politician, it’s a loosing cause. It makes no sense but. with so many Busch haters just looking out for an opportunity to piss off Busch, Gore will get plenty of support and the best part-we'll get plenty of money'. Commentary/ opinion are solely that of John Ramirez big>,No less than 24 hours alter writing my editorial for ECJR which was on committee member to organization receiving lucrative stipends for just sitting on their committee- I was doing some research on Gore when I cam across a topic "All Gore joins Apple Board': Former US Vice President ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CPS Recent report has the Child protective Service being investigated. The children were to be taken out of a dangerous home environment turned out even more detriment for the child when placed in a foster home. . While in foster care, the children ended up in the hospital with bruises but claimed that they wrestled with one another and so was not investigated. The children did claim that the foster parent[s] was physically abusing them. Anyway, one of the children was so badly beaten that she was disconnected from the respirator keeping the child alive. It is believed that the minor that lived with them caused the injuries that caused the child's death. 'When will the CPS ever learn.> The actions by the CPS go undetected and undocumented. to cover up their actions of unwarranted removal of children, The CPS will go as far as doing everything possible to complicate the proceeding n make it difficult for the parents to win the children back . The longer the case is dragged on the more that the courts will deem the CPS case to be viable. >The CPS found evidence of molestation by a military staff officer. With knowledge of this information, the military judicial system deemed the evidence unacceptable citing that it would accept evidence resulting from a criminal investigation but, not from the Child protective service. The military officer was relocated where he would rape a civilian. The officer was convicted and hanged himself in his cell shortly before facing his victims and being sentenced for rape, sodomy and other related charges. His daughter testified to being sedated and raped as a child. [Note that the military does not hold evidence by the CPS to be ironclad and dismisses their findings. ]12/06 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO YOU FIT THE QUALIFICATIONS OF A PROFESSIONAL OR SLOB Some employees are much like children and if the reigns of supervision and discipline are cut some slack, these out of control employees will not hesitate to take advantage of making it a living hell for others around them. The employee that clocks in and then takes to the cafeteria for a half hour. The employee with a chronic problem of chewing gum (very unprofessional). Many violations are acknowledged by head staff but, permitted to continue. It is expected for head staff to ignore these problems. Did you know that the employee that is hired from an agency does not have to comply with policy? These employees are not under the same restrictions and strict rules as an employee that has been working there for twenty years or three months. These employees that are provided by temporary employment agencies are most of the time not even capable of taking instructions nor able to apply themselves to working in an environment that requires co-operation with others that work closely with them. They are a problem and employees have to tolerate this behavior. Even when employees complain, the head staff, think of ways to avoid addressing the issue. This type of derelict of duty by supervisors and managers is due to the dilemma that [if ]the temporary employee is dismissed, the quota that the head staff is supposed to produce will not meet what is expected and that will impose a problem for that manager/ supervisor. You see, some head staff, receive bonuses for their productivity (quotas) and to avoid loosing that extra bonus money, the other employees are faced with the frustration of not having these head staff intervene and dismiss the problematic temp-employee. Other problems plaguing the workplace are food and drinks in the working area. My advice e is to have all institutions to follow thru on prohibiting food or drink in computer area. Signs indicating no food or drinks are to be posted in the working areas and especially in the computer working areas. Poor provisions by the U.S. Government to regulate the treatment of employees and neglect and abuse of employees by co-workers as well as supervisors and managers-who supposedly, are to be looking out for the welfare of the employees- continue to perpetuate the targeting of hardworking employees that ultimately, have no other option but to leave their jobs and hope that the same abuse and neglect will not be present where they end up. Is your co-worker complying with regulations and rules necessary to maintain a productive working environment? Employees are burdened with the incompetence of supervisors and managerial personnel not holding accountable employees. [Because of the normalcy of goofing-off in the workplace, many improprieties by Co-workers go without being reprimanded because the supervisors/ managers themselves are a worse example.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO YOU FIT THE QUALIFICATIONS OF A PROFESSIONAL OR SLOB Some employees are much like children and if the reigns of supervision and discipline are cut some slack, these out of control employees will not hesitate to take advantage of making it a living hell for others around them. The employee that clocks in and then takes to the cafeteria for a half hour. The employee with a chronic problem of chewing gum (very unprofessional). Many violations are acknowledged by head staff but, permitted to continue. It is expected for head staff to ignore these problems. Did you know that the employee that is hired from an agency does not have to comply with policy? These employees are not under the same restrictions and strict rules as an employee that has been working there for twenty years or three months. These employees that are provided by temporary employment agencies are most of the time not even capable of taking instructions nor able to apply themselves to working in an environment that requires co-operation with others that work closely with them. They are a problem and employees have to tolerate this behavior. Even when employees complain, the head staff, think of ways to avoid addressing the issue. This type of derelict of duty by supervisors and managers is due to the dilemma that [if ]the temporary employee is dismissed, the quota that the head staff is supposed to produce will not meet what is expected and that will impose a problem for that manager/ supervisor. You see, some head staff, receive bonuses for their productivity (quotas) and to avoid loosing that extra bonus money, the other employees are faced with the frustration of not having these head staff intervene and dismiss the problematic temp-employee. Read More Other problems plaguing the workplace are food and drinks in the working area. My advice e is to have all institutions to follow thru on prohibiting food or drink in computer area. Signs indicating no food or drinks are to be posted in the working areas and especially in the computer working areas. Poor provisions by the U.S. Government to regulate the treatment of employees and neglect and abuse of employees by co-workers as well as supervisors and managers-who supposedly, are to be looking out for the welfare of the employees- continue to perpetuate the targeting of hardworking employees that ultimately, have no other option but to leave their jobs and hope that the same abuse and neglect will not be present where they end up. Is your co-worker complying with regulations and rules necessary to maintain a productive working environment? Employees are burdened with the incompetence of supervisors and managerial personnel not holding accountable employees. [Because of the normalcy of goofing-off in the workplace, many improprieties by Co-workers go without being reprimanded because the supervisors/ managers themselves are a worse example.] --------------------------------- c.2007-2008 John Ramirez All rights reserved* Editorial Commentary by John Ramirez jr-ecjr-65787 facebook editorials Brenham, Texas, Website Design- (713) 367-1789. Home and Office visit. We come to you or just order online your service. Websit, Email Box, Domain Registration, Web Fors, E-commerce, and much more. ======================== 12/2009 With the pollution being emitted by nations in the world, I do believe some damage has to be present somewhere on the ground and the sky. I do not believe there is a solution to reverse the damage. The same person [s] that travel the world talking about saving the earth, travel in long limousines and private jets that emit pollution.Hypocrites. During the Twin Tower terrorist attacks, all the planes in US soil were grounded. Scientists conducted tests and discovered that the ground became hotter. This occurrence they confirmed was due to the atmosphere being present without the pollution from the planes. In essence, the pollution from the planes acts as a screen blocking the heat from the sun. Without the pollution from the planes the earth will be hotter. What this means is that life no longer can be sustained unless there is enough pollution in the sky to keep the heat out. It may also confirm that there is a breach in the ozone layer, because why is it that the scientist say that the earth become hotter. They did not say that it became normal warm or normal anything. This meant that if the planes become grounded indefinitely, then the earth would become to hot and eventually the weather and aspects of the earth would be effected and not good for humans. . ==================== 12/2009 Do you know why the US Governemnt is reffered to as Capatalists? Let's say you have a savings. Notice that years back the US GOvernemt asked US citizens to save for their retirement. Durring the high price of gas many citizens used that savings. And durring this recession these same citizens will use up the rest of that saved money. So why does the US Governemnt have theri citizens save their money and then turn arround and put the citizens in a position where they have to spend it and end up again starting from the bottom. Now you know why they call the US Governemnt capatalist. Also, the minimum wage raised by the US Governemnt was usless. Shortly after it, US Citizens were confronted with the high gas prices. What's the use of raising the minimum wage if your going to impose on the US citizens the burden of using that money for high gas prices. Did the US Government raise the minimum wage again to reiburse the entire nations for using up their savings on high gas prices. 'The government In capitalist nations, the government does not prohibit private property, or prevent individuals from working where they please. The government also does not prevent firms from determining what wages they will pay and what prices they will charge for their products. Under some versions of 'capitalism' the government also carries out a number of economic functions. For instance, it issues money, supervises public utilities and enforces private contracts. Laws, such as policy competition, protect against competition and prohibit unfair business practices. Government agencies regulate the standards of service in many industries, such as airlines and broadcasting, as well as financing a wide range of programs. In addition, the government regulates the flow of capital and uses things such as the interest rate to control factors such as inflation and unemployment.[60] While in other versions, the governing body/bodies have no monopoly characteristics or legal exceptions. ' =============================== HOW THE UNIVERSE WAS MADE, How Christ WAS CONCIEVED, THE REAL MAR MOTHER OF JESUS . These are titles of shows on tv. One of these shows claim to have discovered additional books to the Bible. The books apparently were hidden away by the scholars that put together the bible. The books content did not favor the believes of that time so the schalors wrote the Bible to best accomidate the scholars believes. These books reveal that jesus and mary Madelen had a love affair goinf and also that women are depicted in these books in positions of authority of which the scholars do not condone adn again good reason to not include these books in the bible. Anyway, the problem I have with there information is that the books were supposed to have been destroyed and not hidden. The scholars would never risk the books being found. Information like this can not and would not have been preserved. Whether these books are authentic is clear, they were wriiten during the writings of the Bible. I still am convinced that the books never would have been preserved. Having the intentions of these scholars, I personally, would have overseen thedestruction of these books. ============================== The US Government always come out ahead. I yet don't know to much about which new health bill passed, but one aspect of it provides that if you do not have health insurance you will be fined. A good deal for the US GOvernemnt because millions of Americans will be fined and milllions of dollars will go to the US Governe...mnt. THis... means that the US GOVERNMENT will make more more money so Congress will give itself a raise like they always do. YOu did know that Congress ca give itself a raise. Really cool. ===================== What’s in your neighborhood store? Stores make available a card to their patronage, that when you make a purchase they passing the card thru the terminal discount you. Sometimes the prices are jacked up, and with customers coming in a hurry and some just do not care what their paying, these stores are ripping-off everybody by charging the patron a jack up price. And its legal. I have been to these stores and even though I apply for another card when I foregut mine, if you are in a hurry, do you really have the time to fallout the form. No, and they rip-you-off a second time. Find a store in your area that does not rely on schemes and tactics to make a profit. I grocery shop a lot and I know for a fact that good-ole stores with integrity, offer better service and prices. These store are rare but to live near one is a blessing. Do not let these store rip-you-off. Take your card with you and use it on items that are not jacked-up. You think you are getting a deal when, really, the discount you got is the price you pay anywhere else. The use of the card gives you the illusion that it is a bargain. Have a nice day grocery shopping. ======================================== PAYPHONES: YOU CAN'NT LIVE WITH'EM AND YOU CANN'T LIVE WITHOUT'EM IF, YOU EVER HAVE PROBLEMS WITH A PAYPHONE, DO NOT COMPLAIN TO THE STORE, THEY WOULD CARELESS ABOUT YOUR PROBLEM. IF THEY CARED, THEY WOULD HAVE THEM REMOVED AFTER NUMERIOUS COMPLAINTS. IF THEIR CUSTOMERS ARE GETTING RIPPED-OFF BY HAVING THE OWNER OF THESE PHONES TAKE YOUR MONEY OR THE PHONE BEING ON SUCH A DILAPIDATED CONDITION THAT YOU CAN BARELY HEAR THRU THE RECIEVER OR THE OTHER PARTY CAN NOT HEAR YOU CLEAR AND YOU HAVE TO HANG UP AND TRY ANOTHER PAYOHONE AT ANOTHER STORE, THE STORE WILL STILL NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. I HAVE NEVER CONTACTED THE AUTHORITIES THAT REGULATE THESE GUYS (FCC-FEDRAL COMMUNICATIONS CENTER). WHAT I DO IS GO INTO THE STORE AND ASK FOR ADHESIVE TAPE, A BLANK SHEET OF PAPER (I GET A SMALL PAPER BAG USUALLY LOCATED AT THE COUNTER) AND A PEN. I WRITE ON THE PAPER, "OUT OF ORDER" AND CUT OUT ENOUGH ADHESIVE TAPE TO PLACE THE SIGN OVER THE SLOT WHERE YOU INCERT THE COIN. JUST LIKE YOU, I'VE LEARNED THAT SOME CLERKS CAN BE JERKS. SO, IF THEY DO NOT HELP YOU, JUST WALK AWAY AND GET THE ITEMS YOURSELF OR START CARRING THEM WITH YOU, SO WHEN YOU ENCOUNTER A MALFUNCTING PUBLIC PHONE, YOU CAN TAKE CAR OF BUSINESS. AS YET, I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS METHOD IS VANDALIZING OR BORDERS ON IT, BUT I SEE IT AS DOING THE PUBLIC A FAVOR, AND IN AN ORDERLY MANNER, PREVENTING THE PUBLIC FROM LOOSING MONEY. IF YOU WANT YOU CAN LEAVE YOUR EMAIL OR PHONE NUMBER INFORMING THESE GUYS THAT IF THEY DO NOT CONTACT YOU AND INFORM YOU THAT THE PHONE HAS BEEN REPAIRED, YOU WILL, ON A DAILY BASIS, PUT UP ANOTHER OUT-OF ORDER SIGN UNTILL THEY DO CONATCT YOU. THAT IS THE LEAST THEY SDHOULD DO FOR YOUR INCONVENIENCE AND LOOSING YOUR MONEY TO THEM. THERE ARE JUST TO MANY PAYPHONES RIPPING-ME-OFF THAT I FIND IT EASIER TO JUST PUT AN OUT OF ORDER SIGN.IF YOU GOT TIME, CALL THE PHONE NUMBER ON THE PAYPHONE FOR COMPLAINTS. AND OFCOURSE, I TAKE CARE OF IT THE OLD FASHION WAY WHEN I JUST CAN NOT DEAL WITH IT ANYMORE-I WALK AWAY WITH MY TAIL BETWEEN MY LEGS. DECEPTIVE ADVERTISEMENTT IS WHEN THE PLACARD ON THE PHONE READS .35CENTS AND THE OPERATOR ASKS FOR AN ADDITIONAL .15CENTS.I WOULD PROBABLY INDICATE THAT THE PHONE IS OUT OF ORDER WHEN PLACING A SIGN ON THE PHONE. IF YOU FEEL NECESSARY, TAKE INTO ACCOUNT, TO FIRST INFORM THE STORE CLERK OF WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO DO. IF THEY CARE LESS ABOUT YOU LOOSING YOUR MONEY ON THE PHONE, THEY WILL LET YOU ATTACH THE SIGN. BUT, I EMPHASIZE, TO USE DISCRETION WHEN ATTEMPTING TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE STORE'S CLERCK, MANAGER OR WHATEVER, BECAUSE, THERE ARE ALOT OF HOT HEADS OUT THERE AND THAT POSES A DANGER TO YOU, SO BE CAREFULL. MANY STORES DO NOT CARE TO PROVIDE RESPECT AND COURTESY TO THEIR CUSTOMERS AND HIRE HUDLUMS AND LOOSERS. ===================================== EMPLOYMENTS: HOW= WHERE= WHEN= IT WORKS Sometimes we are put in a position that requires drastic measures that include the process of terminating (firing) an employee. One part of this process that we fail to knowledge is the violence that has taken place in many businesses throughout the country. The problem of these individuals returning to the site of employment and executing people at random. Sometimes these fired employees single out some individuals. It is a great loss to the families and to a community. Take time to evaluate the status of every aspect of the activities of the individuals that are responsible for managing, supervising, and conducting evaluation of employee’s productivity and conduct. Sometimes a mistake is made or a minor problem with an employee can be resolved. This helps to alleviate the outcome of having to terminate an employee that otherwise could have been avoided. It is a demanding job to oversee the mission of a job and the employees assigned to that manager/ supervisor. If that manager/ supervisor is maverick, enough to assume that position then he/ she should step up to the plate of his/ her performance being scrutinized and evaluated. Employees not have to suffer the consequences due to a manager/ supervisor finding a way to exonerate himself/ she of bad productivity or/and bad work. Have meeting to discuss the problems and bad results of a job assignment. An employee cannot be terminated on the bases of information of one individual. Improper conduct can sometimes be corrected. Make a better choice of the words or action to be taken. Work within your company to brainstorm ideas to better work as a team and reserve tolerance when and where it is due. It is difficult for the employee to complain when there is threat of retaliation. Seniority is to be taken into account. An employee has dedicated herself/ himself to you with pride and dignity as a company of quality work and productivity. =================================== Do police have the right to kill escaped dangerous animals? Wildlife Game Authorities may not have proper procedure to overt the killing of carnivorous animals that escape from their owners. Shot five times by authorities, owner of an escaped tiger claims that the tiger was murdered. The owner of the tiger discredits the claims by authorities that the tiger lunged at them. The safety of the civilians is the responsibility and priority of the owner of the animal and should keep these dangerous animals in escape-proof cages. A situation like this may warrant immediate action to immobilize the animal even if it requires killing it. The animal’s ability to escape from the authorities and become loose in the community will put civilians in danger. Efforts to tranquilize the animal should be taken immediately to avoid killing the animal. In any case, the civilians’ safety and those of the authorities in any case, may do away with any efforts to keep the animal alive. To prevent a disastrous outcome for the animal and the owner, maintaining an enclosure [escape proof] may be the only solution.



VV Welcome



Rudy Julianne was unfortunate today to provide me a seating to his interview with of meet the press.

Rudy has a business in security and a law firm. Apparently his clientele is a who's-who in the bracket of national known political tyrants. Rudy's response to catering to this type of clientele.. His answer was that he provides a service to the company and it just happens that these tyrants receive the service. He was asked about New York's corrupt Chief of police that he appointed and his response was that even though one of his top staff confirms that he did inform Rudy of the Chief’s questionable past of corruption, Rudy denies that he was ever informed. Rudy did apologize during the interview for his mistake in appointing the Chief and claims that he learned from the experience and would not do it again. His ties with a committee that was spearheaded by State Rep. Jim Baker to oversee the security of the U.S. following 9-1-1 proved Julianne to be totally into himself. The committee shortly after Julianne joined was ousted for not attending. Julianne provided the interviewer that he was pre-occupied with is intentions to run for president of the U.S. but in fact was criticized for keeping so many speaking engagements [he is the Mayor of the city that was attacked on 9-1-1 ] and putting the committee on the burner. Julianne in any way, communicated with the committee concerning his estrangement from them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its no secret that the FBI/ CIA are solely responsible for the security of the U.S. But why the FBI and the CIA did not prevent the demise of the World Trade Center. What happened? The U.S. government did conclude that failure to maintain communication between both institutions contributed to the failure to prevent the 9-1-1 events. The government did upgrade it's working policies, procedure and practices and now there is an ameliorated system in place allowing the FBI and CIA to work as a unit. It is unfortunate that the 9-1-1 event had to take place to bring it to the attention of the U..S. Governmente. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes being the Devil’s advocate just comes naturally and not much fun. Recent reports indicate that some parents got together to brain storm just what to do about the rampant school shootings and they came up with the [$175.00] bulletproof back-pack for school kids. It' been proven to stop most lethal bullets. Maybe it could turn into a lucrative enterprise, but when you think about it your asking to get your kid killed. What happens when you turn a bad situation into a lucrative one-you basically do not look at things from the lunatic's Perspective-meaning-if you put yourself in the mind of a psychopath, your target is going to be to kill the kid with the bulletproof back-pack. You see the kid holding up the back-pack [probably only the kid with the rich parents in rich neighborhoods will afford them] and your going to do your best to get around that back-pack and shoot your target. Psychopaths take it personally when kept from hitting their target. It is a great idea but one to play with a psychopath’s scheme of playing target practice and the target is anyone holding up a back-pack. The plate inside the lining of the back-pack is going to be cut out and may be used as a bullet proof vest. This can com in handy in gang fights, robberies, assaults and other criminal activity. Whether a bullet-proof back-pack is what will convince a parent that his/ her child stand a chance of surviving another Columbine, it is the irony that the parent should expect that his/ her child stands a big chance of being caught in the scope of a killers gun or in the crossfire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lately, the new way to make money for local U.S. Government entities is to place cameras at red light intersections. Good Ides but claims by authorities indicate that rear-end accidents are up-supposedly, because no one wants a ticket so they slam on their brakes causing the driver behind to hit the vehicle that is braking suddenly rather than get a ticket they probably end up getting a ticket anyway and having to deal with insurance going up-Good job local U.S.Governemnt. And another thing to take into account is that these cameras do not prevent accidents because I always brake at a yellow light but occasionally pas a yellow or red but by accident, So am I going to get ticketed because I passed it by accident-ofcourse. The problem is that the local U. S. Government authorities just do not have enough police to handle the traffic. So they want the cameras to do the officer’s job and make plenty of money at the same time. Why does not the U.S. Government ever come up with an idea that does not include having to make the citizens pay something out of their hard earned pay? This remind me of how the mayor of Houston, Texas sent out notices in the water bills informing the citizens to indicate that they did not want to make a contribution to some program he was promoting for trash pickup, and if your did not indicate that you did not want to participate then the a certain amount would be charged to you on your next bill. Can you imagine how many citizens are not going to notice this and send in the bill without indicating that they did not want to make a contribution? The Mayors idea is this- if they have to indicate that they do not want to make a contribution then most of the citizens will not notice the information asking for the contribution, sp it is a more sure thing to have then automatically charged the contribution amount if the citizen does not indicate that they do not want to make the contribution. _____________________________ If Gore is so much into this futile attempt to have the rid of green gas then why not include it in his concerns when he was running for president. Why is he doing it now? What motive doe he have to pursue this project. And this guy has got some power behind him to be able to pull-off this Global what-ever-concert, though the talent line-up was lame, just to make it happen tells you he's got some muscle behind it. Most certainly, is that the anti-Busch artists made it a must to be there just to throw it in Busch's face? This Gore thing seems on the level but with the money that Gore is making from it just does not make it right. It is really pathetic that the world has to be at it's end just for some has-been like Gore to profit from it, What's next, stop the coming of Armageddon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc.ECJR >The Texas Parole Boards decision to go easy on a fugitive is not standing well with the Crime Stoppers. Following its intense support to find the fugitive the leniency by the authorities extended to the fugitive made CRIME STOPERS efforts futile. > Consecutive beatings by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) have the nation in an uproar. It seems that the LAPD leads the nation in police brutality. LAPD notoriety for police brutality includes the infamous footage of Rodney King being fiercely whacked with nightsticks by the LAPD. Another film-footage of LAPD brutality is when immigrants are beaten with nightsticks on the side of the freeway. While many of the illegal immigrants made their get-away, those that remained in the vehicle were taken out of the truck and beat repeatedly by the LAPD >Bacteria attributed to hepatitis -A, was detected in the water in Galveston, Texas Beaches.. Some cities are permitted by the U.S. Government to discard barges of garbage in the ocean waters. >The NOAFC has concerns for broken electric meters that can be seen adjacent to the sidewalk. The meters are exposed and accessible to children. The NOAFC is asking that metal covers be applied to prevent damage and to protect the children in the neighborhoods. >Bad tempered and plain rude are the description of how public bus drivers can behave. Civilians being left behind by drivers who are not observant of the bus stops. If you do not move quick enough the driver, will close the doors and leave you behind. These civilians are carrying groceries or other purchased merchandise that prevents them from moving quickly to the bus. Some bus drivers are running late and will not wait for civilians. Some civilian wave down the drivers and are passed up with the slightest concern by the bus driver. Leaving a bus stop and stopping at a bus stop have the drivers causing the passengers discomfort. When they leave the bus stop they pull away with such sudden force that if the passenger is not seated the passenger is hurled about violently to the extent of causing injury. Another complaint by passengers is when coming to a bus stop; the passenger is standing and preparing to exit the bus, and instead of slowing the bus the driver brakes violently, causing the standing passenger to be jerked about in a manner of casing injury. In addition, these violent stops by drivers are complaints by passengers that their ride is not a pleasant experience. Having their head jolted forward giving the affect of a whiplash to the neck AREA is another complaint by passengers when the driver makes these wrenching stops. >The Texas Parole Boards decision to go easy on a fugitive is not standing well with the Crime Stoppers. Following its intense support to find the fugitive the leniency by the Parole Board toward the fugitive made CRIME STOPERS efforts a waste of time. >Gas companies have right to drill for minerals on private land. Ranchers own the land but according to the government, whatever is under is up for grabs and there is not a thing the owner of the land can do about it. “Valleys that were pristine are becoming industrial landscape” >Bacteria attributed to hepatitis -A, was detected in the water in Galveston, Texas Beaches. Some cities are permitted by the U.S. Government to discard barges of garbage in the ocean waters. >Broken electric meters that can be seen adjacent to the sidewalk. The meters are exposed and accessible to children. Metal covers should be applied to prevent damage and to protect the children in the neighborhoods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What's the deal on these Presidential privileges of pardoning by the U.S. President?? : There is not a U.S. Government institution crazy enough or let's say honorable enough to do away with the privilege extended to the President of the United States of America of that of pardoning anyone he wants if convicted on a court of the U.S.. To see Hillary Clinton get on her soap box haranguing and maligning Busch for his actions of pardoning Liddy is hypocrisy. Who knows what evil dwells in the mind of ex-president, Bill Clinton if he knows that he someday can also be pardoned by his wife, the President of the Untied States. TH president's pardon of Liddy, is one sign of his last days in office-if you remember, Clinton, in his last days passed out pardons left and right. Note: I strongly believe that there does have to be a Godfather [mafia type] in the U.S.Governement and the president is just that. You got the Republican Party [syndicate] and the Democratic Party [syndicate]. One party guns down a raise on the minimum wages while the other guns down in return a break on taxes for the rich-and as you see-both parties fight it out on different grounds. And back to the president-the pardoning is basically set up for power-power to backup its goons when it comes to paying the price of doing unethical acts to support the Godfather in some indirect manner. An hey... what's better than getting on the G's best side... He’s the President of the United States and he can pardon me from doing jail time-NO QUESTIONS ASKED. POWER TO EVEN DO THE UNETHICAL... PARDONING A CRIMINAL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pope announces decree that Catholic Church is the true church If anything, this may explain why the Catholic Church allowed the execution of millions during the holocaust. The only two other religions that practice this edict is Satan's Church and the Koran. If the Catholic Church permitted the execution of millions during the holocaust, this statement by the Vatican pope substantiates the possibility that the Catholic Church will stand by while the antichrist takes its stance to execute every Christ believing protestant, Baptist, Pentecost and the list goes on. If every church is a heretic, then the Catholic church, is not going to give the Antichrist no lip to rid of us miscreants. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That Border Patrol may be watching to much A-Team re-runs. Numerous immigrants in a vehicle that was traveling at a high rate of speed died after a border patrol helicopter dropped alloy nails in its path. The only survivors said that they tried to warn the driver but the driver refused to stop or slow down. The survivor said that still that was no reason for the border patrol to drop the nails. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IS THE ANTICHRIST A REPUPLICAN OR A CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICE WORKER? A CPS WORKER HAS BEEN KNOWN TO PUT THE SAFETY OF A CHILD SECOND TO MEETING QUOTAS AND A REPUBLICAN, WELL IF YOU DO NOT GIVE HIM AND HIS RICH BUDDIES A TAX CUT THEN THEY DO NOT GIVE US A RAISE IN MINIMUM WAGE- AND THAT IS WHAT THEY DID BECAUSE THE DEMOCRATS DID NOT WANT TO GIVE THE RICH A TAX CUT. IS NOT THE REPUPLICAN THEN AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE? THE CPS WORKER-JUST TRYING TO MAKE A LIVING AND TRYING TO KEEP THEIR JOBS AND AT THE COST OF MURDERED AND SEXUALLY ABUSED CHILDREN. BUT TO BE FAIR, CAN THE SAFETY OF ANY CHILD REALLY BE DEPENDANT ON A INDIVIDUAL WITH THE THOUGHT OF, "WILL MY HAIR APPOINTMENT BE CANCELED, WHILE ALL THE WHILE, DURRING THE INTERVIEW WITH THE CHILD, THE CHILD IS TRYING TO CONVEY- IN THE MOST EMPHATICAL MANNER THAT A CHILD CAN- THAT HER FATHER IS HAVING SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH HER/ HIM OR THAT SHE/ HE IS BEING BEATEN AND TORTURED. CAN A CHILD PROTECTIVE WORKER BE ATTENTIVE TO THE EXTREME OF NOT ALLOWING ONGOING ABUSE THAT LEADS TO IMMENENT DEATH IN SOME CASES? AND BACK TO THE REPUBLICANS- WITH THE HIGH PRICES OF GAS, YOU WOULD THINK THAT THE MILLIONS IN BONUSUS THAT THE OIL EXECUTIVES RECIEVE CAN CONVINCE ANYONE THAT TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH IS THAT LAST THING ON A $5.50 AN HOUR WORKER WITH SWEAT ON HER/HIS BROW. "THE ANTI-CHRIST SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY TROUBLE FINDING RECRUITS". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Oppression on U.S. Citizens Why are terrorist having their way with the United States and why are the schools in the United States looked upon as prisons with -guards and routine searches- and why are food and products going up in price and why is gas continuing to rise in price and why are so many American solider dying in war? All these factors are vital to a social stability and it is all falling apart. What can we expect? In my assessment, things will get worse, because all these factors that we are accustomed to as everyday social life, are getting scarce or hard to come by. One family said that their travels have been postponed for the first time due the gas prices. This change in social activities by that family will have a effect on their children in the manner that the children are faced with a change that is not good for family structure. The family may have used the travel time to re-affirm their unit as a family. Now you can understand how that part of their lives is taken away by gas prices. It is simple events like these that are affecting millions of families and not for the best but, for the worst. Then comes the question of how the greatest government in the world got itself such crisis. How does the U.S. government allow these things to take place? Obviously, it is not good for the American people so why do the American people have to experience these and other social maladies. All these crisis the American people are facing today allow business growth for some. Right now American are short of cash because overnight they are faced with food, products, gas high prices so loan companies and mortgage companies and companies that assist in helping people get out of dept are making a killing. When the American people are in a fiscal, mental and even health wise crisis even practitioners that promise remedies for depression, anxiety and other mental deficiencies are coming out of the woodwork. Also, to make ends due to high prices of gas, food and products, many families where one parent works may have to have both parents working-this arrangement begin a cycle I choose to call 'neglect of children by omission but, in this case, these parents have no choice so I will call it, 'neglect of children due to oppression by the U.S. Government'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Warming Hypocrisy Music business has probably been the most responsible for Global warming Crow blasts her songs to gas guzzling motor vehicles on TV commercials- this is the same hypocrisy I talk about that concerns every action of every organization and in this case it is the Gore Organization . The music business practices every anti- gore principle when it comes to global warming. The require tour buses, airplanes, [private jets mostly] limousines- Scientists studied the effects of a sky without planes during the grounding of planes in the U.S.. when 911 took place and discovered that fumes from the planes diminished significantly and cause the ground to become hotter then normal. They concluded that without the fumes [pollution] from the planes, the ground would not have protection from the heat of the sun which is due to the depletion of the ozone layer. This type of social occurrence I will coin 'Global Warming Hypocrisy', I could not come up with anything more worthy. It's all about the money . Gore's Global Warming stint is much like any other non-profit endeavor that really has no resolution only to line the pockets of committee members and other constituents. You see when you start and organization and in this case-what is Gores Organization called? - You receive a stipend and bonuses. With the high profile of Gores Global Warming, you know that millions are being exchanged so some of it is going to Gore. The organization that you see all the time during the commercial break claiming to feed the children has been around for decades-you would think by now they would have implemented a solution and they would close-up shop. But, if they close- up shop they will relinquish the opportunity to continue lining their pockets with millions of dollars of your donations, You see, organization are allowed to pay individuals that work for them along with committee members and other involved whether in the organization or not just as long as they play some part in the activities of the organization. This is what Gore is up to. He has embarked on what I call A never-ending project to save something [even Jesus Christ said that you would always have, the poor] that is either to late to save and wants to make it look plausible that a solution is around the corner if we can get a concert of some of the lamest acts available or drag on his cause until were all up to our necks in water. His cause still sounds to corny and not feasible. For all I know he probably already has a solution up his sleeve, which is characteristic of Gore. And as is with any wanna- be politician or for that matter any politician, it’s a loosing cause. It makes no sense but. with so many Busch haters just looking out for an opportunity to piss off Busch, Gore will get plenty of support and the best part-we'll get plenty of money'. Commentary/ opinion are solely that of John Ramirez big>,No less than 24 hours alter writing my editorial for ECJR which was on committee member to organization receiving lucrative stipends for just sitting on their committee- I was doing some research on Gore when I cam across a topic "All Gore joins Apple Board': Former US Vice President ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CPS Recent report has the Child protective Service being investigated. The children were to be taken out of a dangerous home environment turned out even more detriment for the child when placed in a foster home. . While in foster care, the children ended up in the hospital with bruises but claimed that they wrestled with one another and so was not investigated. The children did claim that the foster parent[s] was physically abusing them. Anyway, one of the children was so badly beaten that she was disconnected from the respirator keeping the child alive. It is believed that the minor that lived with them caused the injuries that caused the child's death. 'When will the CPS ever learn.> The actions by the CPS go undetected and undocumented. to cover up their actions of unwarranted removal of children, The CPS will go as far as doing everything possible to complicate the proceeding n make it difficult for the parents to win the children back . The longer the case is dragged on the more that the courts will deem the CPS case to be viable. >The CPS found evidence of molestation by a military staff officer. With knowledge of this information, the military judicial system deemed the evidence unacceptable citing that it would accept evidence resulting from a criminal investigation but, not from the Child protective service. The military officer was relocated where he would rape a civilian. The officer was convicted and hanged himself in his cell shortly before facing his victims and being sentenced for rape, sodomy and other related charges. His daughter testified to being sedated and raped as a child. [Note that the military does not hold evidence by the CPS to be ironclad and dismisses their findings. ]12/06 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO YOU FIT THE QUALIFICATIONS OF A PROFESSIONAL OR SLOB Some employees are much like children and if the reigns of supervision and discipline are cut some slack, these out of control employees will not hesitate to take advantage of making it a living hell for others around them. The employee that clocks in and then takes to the cafeteria for a half hour. The employee with a chronic problem of chewing gum (very unprofessional). Many violations are acknowledged by head staff but, permitted to continue. It is expected for head staff to ignore these problems. Did you know that the employee that is hired from an agency does not have to comply with policy? These employees are not under the same restrictions and strict rules as an employee that has been working there for twenty years or three months. These employees that are provided by temporary employment agencies are most of the time not even capable of taking instructions nor able to apply themselves to working in an environment that requires co-operation with others that work closely with them. They are a problem and employees have to tolerate this behavior. Even when employees complain, the head staff, think of ways to avoid addressing the issue. This type of derelict of duty by supervisors and managers is due to the dilemma that [if ]the temporary employee is dismissed, the quota that the head staff is supposed to produce will not meet what is expected and that will impose a problem for that manager/ supervisor. You see, some head staff, receive bonuses for their productivity (quotas) and to avoid loosing that extra bonus money, the other employees are faced with the frustration of not having these head staff intervene and dismiss the problematic temp-employee. Other problems plaguing the workplace are food and drinks in the working area. My advice e is to have all institutions to follow thru on prohibiting food or drink in computer area. Signs indicating no food or drinks are to be posted in the working areas and especially in the computer working areas. Poor provisions by the U.S. Government to regulate the treatment of employees and neglect and abuse of employees by co-workers as well as supervisors and managers-who supposedly, are to be looking out for the welfare of the employees- continue to perpetuate the targeting of hardworking employees that ultimately, have no other option but to leave their jobs and hope that the same abuse and neglect will not be present where they end up. Is your co-worker complying with regulations and rules necessary to maintain a productive working environment? Employees are burdened with the incompetence of supervisors and managerial personnel not holding accountable employees. [Because of the normalcy of goofing-off in the workplace, many improprieties by Co-workers go without being reprimanded because the supervisors/ managers themselves are a worse example.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO YOU FIT THE QUALIFICATIONS OF A PROFESSIONAL OR SLOB Some employees are much like children and if the reigns of supervision and discipline are cut some slack, these out of control employees will not hesitate to take advantage of making it a living hell for others around them. The employee that clocks in and then takes to the cafeteria for a half hour. The employee with a chronic problem of chewing gum (very unprofessional). Many violations are acknowledged by head staff but, permitted to continue. It is expected for head staff to ignore these problems. Did you know that the employee that is hired from an agency does not have to comply with policy? These employees are not under the same restrictions and strict rules as an employee that has been working there for twenty years or three months. These employees that are provided by temporary employment agencies are most of the time not even capable of taking instructions nor able to apply themselves to working in an environment that requires co-operation with others that work closely with them. They are a problem and employees have to tolerate this behavior. Even when employees complain, the head staff, think of ways to avoid addressing the issue. This type of derelict of duty by supervisors and managers is due to the dilemma that [if ]the temporary employee is dismissed, the quota that the head staff is supposed to produce will not meet what is expected and that will impose a problem for that manager/ supervisor. You see, some head staff, receive bonuses for their productivity (quotas) and to avoid loosing that extra bonus money, the other employees are faced with the frustration of not having these head staff intervene and dismiss the problematic temp-employee. Read More Other problems plaguing the workplace are food and drinks in the working area. My advice e is to have all institutions to follow thru on prohibiting food or drink in computer area. Signs indicating no food or drinks are to be posted in the working areas and especially in the computer working areas. Poor provisions by the U.S. Government to regulate the treatment of employees and neglect and abuse of employees by co-workers as well as supervisors and managers-who supposedly, are to be looking out for the welfare of the employees- continue to perpetuate the targeting of hardworking employees that ultimately, have no other option but to leave their jobs and hope that the same abuse and neglect will not be present where they end up. Is your co-worker complying with regulations and rules necessary to maintain a productive working environment? Employees are burdened with the incompetence of supervisors and managerial personnel not holding accountable employees. [Because of the normalcy of goofing-off in the workplace, many improprieties by Co-workers go without being reprimanded because the supervisors/ managers themselves are a worse example.] --------------------------------- c.2007-2008 John Ramirez All rights reserved* Editorial Commentary by John Ramirez jr-ecjr-65787 facebook editorials Brenham, Texas, Website Design- (713) 367-1789. Home and Office visit. We come to you or just order online your service. Websit, Email Box, Domain Registration, Web Fors, E-commerce, and much more. ======================== 12/2009 With the pollution being emitted by nations in the world, I do believe some damage has to be present somewhere on the ground and the sky. I do not believe there is a solution to reverse the damage. The same person [s] that travel the world talking about saving the earth, travel in long limousines and private jets that emit pollution.Hypocrites. During the Twin Tower terrorist attacks, all the planes in US soil were grounded. Scientists conducted tests and discovered that the ground became hotter. This occurrence they confirmed was due to the atmosphere being present without the pollution from the planes. In essence, the pollution from the planes acts as a screen blocking the heat from the sun. Without the pollution from the planes the earth will be hotter. What this means is that life no longer can be sustained unless there is enough pollution in the sky to keep the heat out. It may also confirm that there is a breach in the ozone layer, because why is it that the scientist say that the earth become hotter. They did not say that it became normal warm or normal anything. This meant that if the planes become grounded indefinitely, then the earth would become to hot and eventually the weather and aspects of the earth would be effected and not good for humans. . ==================== 12/2009 Do you know why the US Governemnt is reffered to as Capatalists? Let's say you have a savings. Notice that years back the US GOvernemt asked US citizens to save for their retirement. Durring the high price of gas many citizens used that savings. And durring this recession these same citizens will use up the rest of that saved money. So why does the US Governemnt have theri citizens save their money and then turn arround and put the citizens in a position where they have to spend it and end up again starting from the bottom. Now you know why they call the US Governemnt capatalist. Also, the minimum wage raised by the US Governemnt was usless. Shortly after it, US Citizens were confronted with the high gas prices. What's the use of raising the minimum wage if your going to impose on the US citizens the burden of using that money for high gas prices. Did the US Government raise the minimum wage again to reiburse the entire nations for using up their savings on high gas prices. 'The government In capitalist nations, the government does not prohibit private property, or prevent individuals from working where they please. The government also does not prevent firms from determining what wages they will pay and what prices they will charge for their products. Under some versions of 'capitalism' the government also carries out a number of economic functions. For instance, it issues money, supervises public utilities and enforces private contracts. Laws, such as policy competition, protect against competition and prohibit unfair business practices. Government agencies regulate the standards of service in many industries, such as airlines and broadcasting, as well as financing a wide range of programs. In addition, the government regulates the flow of capital and uses things such as the interest rate to control factors such as inflation and unemployment.[60] While in other versions, the governing body/bodies have no monopoly characteristics or legal exceptions. ' =============================== HOW THE UNIVERSE WAS MADE, How Christ WAS CONCIEVED, THE REAL MAR MOTHER OF JESUS . These are titles of shows on tv. One of these shows claim to have discovered additional books to the Bible. The books apparently were hidden away by the scholars that put together the bible. The books content did not favor the believes of that time so the schalors wrote the Bible to best accomidate the scholars believes. These books reveal that jesus and mary Madelen had a love affair goinf and also that women are depicted in these books in positions of authority of which the scholars do not condone adn again good reason to not include these books in the bible. Anyway, the problem I have with there information is that the books were supposed to have been destroyed and not hidden. The scholars would never risk the books being found. Information like this can not and would not have been preserved. Whether these books are authentic is clear, they were wriiten during the writings of the Bible. I still am convinced that the books never would have been preserved. Having the intentions of these scholars, I personally, would have overseen thedestruction of these books. ============================== The US Government always come out ahead. I yet don't know to much about which new health bill passed, but one aspect of it provides that if you do not have health insurance you will be fined. A good deal for the US GOvernemnt because millions of Americans will be fined and milllions of dollars will go to the US Governe...mnt. THis... means that the US GOVERNMENT will make more more money so Congress will give itself a raise like they always do. YOu did know that Congress ca give itself a raise. Really cool. ===================== What’s in your neighborhood store? Stores make available a card to their patronage, that when you make a purchase they passing the card thru the terminal discount you. Sometimes the prices are jacked up, and with customers coming in a hurry and some just do not care what their paying, these stores are ripping-off everybody by charging the patron a jack up price. And its legal. I have been to these stores and even though I apply for another card when I foregut mine, if you are in a hurry, do you really have the time to fallout the form. No, and they rip-you-off a second time. Find a store in your area that does not rely on schemes and tactics to make a profit. I grocery shop a lot and I know for a fact that good-ole stores with integrity, offer better service and prices. These store are rare but to live near one is a blessing. Do not let these store rip-you-off. Take your card with you and use it on items that are not jacked-up. You think you are getting a deal when, really, the discount you got is the price you pay anywhere else. The use of the card gives you the illusion that it is a bargain. Have a nice day grocery shopping. ======================================== PAYPHONES: YOU CAN'NT LIVE WITH'EM AND YOU CANN'T LIVE WITHOUT'EM IF, YOU EVER HAVE PROBLEMS WITH A PAYPHONE, DO NOT COMPLAIN TO THE STORE, THEY WOULD CARELESS ABOUT YOUR PROBLEM. IF THEY CARED, THEY WOULD HAVE THEM REMOVED AFTER NUMERIOUS COMPLAINTS. IF THEIR CUSTOMERS ARE GETTING RIPPED-OFF BY HAVING THE OWNER OF THESE PHONES TAKE YOUR MONEY OR THE PHONE BEING ON SUCH A DILAPIDATED CONDITION THAT YOU CAN BARELY HEAR THRU THE RECIEVER OR THE OTHER PARTY CAN NOT HEAR YOU CLEAR AND YOU HAVE TO HANG UP AND TRY ANOTHER PAYOHONE AT ANOTHER STORE, THE STORE WILL STILL NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. I HAVE NEVER CONTACTED THE AUTHORITIES THAT REGULATE THESE GUYS (FCC-FEDRAL COMMUNICATIONS CENTER). WHAT I DO IS GO INTO THE STORE AND ASK FOR ADHESIVE TAPE, A BLANK SHEET OF PAPER (I GET A SMALL PAPER BAG USUALLY LOCATED AT THE COUNTER) AND A PEN. I WRITE ON THE PAPER, "OUT OF ORDER" AND CUT OUT ENOUGH ADHESIVE TAPE TO PLACE THE SIGN OVER THE SLOT WHERE YOU INCERT THE COIN. JUST LIKE YOU, I'VE LEARNED THAT SOME CLERKS CAN BE JERKS. SO, IF THEY DO NOT HELP YOU, JUST WALK AWAY AND GET THE ITEMS YOURSELF OR START CARRING THEM WITH YOU, SO WHEN YOU ENCOUNTER A MALFUNCTING PUBLIC PHONE, YOU CAN TAKE CAR OF BUSINESS. AS YET, I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS METHOD IS VANDALIZING OR BORDERS ON IT, BUT I SEE IT AS DOING THE PUBLIC A FAVOR, AND IN AN ORDERLY MANNER, PREVENTING THE PUBLIC FROM LOOSING MONEY. IF YOU WANT YOU CAN LEAVE YOUR EMAIL OR PHONE NUMBER INFORMING THESE GUYS THAT IF THEY DO NOT CONTACT YOU AND INFORM YOU THAT THE PHONE HAS BEEN REPAIRED, YOU WILL, ON A DAILY BASIS, PUT UP ANOTHER OUT-OF ORDER SIGN UNTILL THEY DO CONATCT YOU. THAT IS THE LEAST THEY SDHOULD DO FOR YOUR INCONVENIENCE AND LOOSING YOUR MONEY TO THEM. THERE ARE JUST TO MANY PAYPHONES RIPPING-ME-OFF THAT I FIND IT EASIER TO JUST PUT AN OUT OF ORDER SIGN.IF YOU GOT TIME, CALL THE PHONE NUMBER ON THE PAYPHONE FOR COMPLAINTS. AND OFCOURSE, I TAKE CARE OF IT THE OLD FASHION WAY WHEN I JUST CAN NOT DEAL WITH IT ANYMORE-I WALK AWAY WITH MY TAIL BETWEEN MY LEGS. DECEPTIVE ADVERTISEMENTT IS WHEN THE PLACARD ON THE PHONE READS .35CENTS AND THE OPERATOR ASKS FOR AN ADDITIONAL .15CENTS.I WOULD PROBABLY INDICATE THAT THE PHONE IS OUT OF ORDER WHEN PLACING A SIGN ON THE PHONE. IF YOU FEEL NECESSARY, TAKE INTO ACCOUNT, TO FIRST INFORM THE STORE CLERK OF WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO DO. IF THEY CARE LESS ABOUT YOU LOOSING YOUR MONEY ON THE PHONE, THEY WILL LET YOU ATTACH THE SIGN. BUT, I EMPHASIZE, TO USE DISCRETION WHEN ATTEMPTING TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE STORE'S CLERCK, MANAGER OR WHATEVER, BECAUSE, THERE ARE ALOT OF HOT HEADS OUT THERE AND THAT POSES A DANGER TO YOU, SO BE CAREFULL. MANY STORES DO NOT CARE TO PROVIDE RESPECT AND COURTESY TO THEIR CUSTOMERS AND HIRE HUDLUMS AND LOOSERS. ===================================== EMPLOYMENTS: HOW= WHERE= WHEN= IT WORKS Sometimes we are put in a position that requires drastic measures that include the process of terminating (firing) an employee. One part of this process that we fail to knowledge is the violence that has taken place in many businesses throughout the country. The problem of these individuals returning to the site of employment and executing people at random. Sometimes these fired employees single out some individuals. It is a great loss to the families and to a community. Take time to evaluate the status of every aspect of the activities of the individuals that are responsible for managing, supervising, and conducting evaluation of employee’s productivity and conduct. Sometimes a mistake is made or a minor problem with an employee can be resolved. This helps to alleviate the outcome of having to terminate an employee that otherwise could have been avoided. It is a demanding job to oversee the mission of a job and the employees assigned to that manager/ supervisor. If that manager/ supervisor is maverick, enough to assume that position then he/ she should step up to the plate of his/ her performance being scrutinized and evaluated. Employees not have to suffer the consequences due to a manager/ supervisor finding a way to exonerate himself/ she of bad productivity or/and bad work. Have meeting to discuss the problems and bad results of a job assignment. An employee cannot be terminated on the bases of information of one individual. Improper conduct can sometimes be corrected. Make a better choice of the words or action to be taken. Work within your company to brainstorm ideas to better work as a team and reserve tolerance when and where it is due. It is difficult for the employee to complain when there is threat of retaliation. Seniority is to be taken into account. An employee has dedicated herself/ himself to you with pride and dignity as a company of quality work and productivity. =================================== Do police have the right to kill escaped dangerous animals? Wildlife Game Authorities may not have proper procedure to overt the killing of carnivorous animals that escape from their owners. Shot five times by authorities, owner of an escaped tiger claims that the tiger was murdered. The owner of the tiger discredits the claims by authorities that the tiger lunged at them. The safety of the civilians is the responsibility and priority of the owner of the animal and should keep these dangerous animals in escape-proof cages. A situation like this may warrant immediate action to immobilize the animal even if it requires killing it. The animal’s ability to escape from the authorities and become loose in the community will put civilians in danger. Efforts to tranquilize the animal should be taken immediately to avoid killing the animal. In any case, the civilians’ safety and those of the authorities in any case, may do away with any efforts to keep the animal alive. To prevent a disastrous outcome for the animal and the owner, maintaining an enclosure [escape proof] may be the only solution.


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