C2 Tactical is partnering up with the NSSF (National Shooting Sports Foundation) to offer "First Shots," a free class for new shooters! Know anyone that is interested in learning about shooting but has never had the chance to check it out for themselves? Have them sign up for the FREE First Shots class that will be held at our Tempe location.

Just RSVP by completing this form, and we'll contact you directly to book the class. First time shooters - don't miss this opportunity to learn firearm safety and gain basic knowledge from NSSF while using our amazing indoor range! Required fields are designated with an asterisk (*).

Please make sure all fields designated with an asterisk (*) are completed. Any fields left incomplete will appear in a grey color. Once you hit submit, a confirmation will appear on the screen. You will receive an automated confirmation. Please check your spam folder for email coming from marketing@c2tactical.com just in case. Thank you!