Registration for this event is now closed. “Our Kids Conference” has completely sold out.


Due to space limitations we are unable to permit any walk-ins on Thursday night. No exceptions!


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A Conference for Parents and Others connected to Gifted Children

Thursday, October 20, 2016
6:00  – 8:30 at Winslow Centre,
1100 Winslow Ave, Coquitlam

Featuring:  Mr. Ian Byrd of who will speak on the topic:


21st century technologies have opened up new paths for success, and gifted students' curiosity and intense interests make them uniquely suited to blaze these new trails. At the same time, gifted characteristics such as perfectionism and impostor syndrome can hold them back. We will discuss how parents and teachers can support students, empowering them to become tomorrow's innovators.

Please join us starting at 6 pm to allow some time for registration, networking and coffee prior to Mr Byrd's presentation which will be from 6:45 - 8:45.

Adult Registration is $15  Spouse accompanying is $10

FYI - Ian taught gifted students in Garden Grove, California where he grew up as a gifted kid himself. On his journey to become a teacher, he earned a degree in Computer Science, briefly played bass in an almost successful rock band, and married a fashion designer. Ian writes about gifted education at to an audience of over 30,000 monthly visitors.