Westfield State University TRIO Student Support Services Program Application

Please fill out the application below in order to apply to the TRIO Student Support Services Program at Westfield State University.

In order to receive services from TRIO, a student must demonstrate academic need and must be eligible in at least one eligibility category:

-        first-generation college students, where no parent/guardian received a four-year college degree

-        students from low-income households, or independent students with low income

-        students with a documented disability

You can learn more about our program at http://www.westfield.ma.edu/academics/student-support-services-program-trio

Please email trio@westfield.ma.edu if you have any questions or concerns about your application. We will consult with any student about the network of valuable academic resources at Westfield State!

Thank you!



About Your Education:

Documented Disability Verification

First-Generation College Student
A “first-generation college student” is defined as a student whose parent(s) / legal guardian(s) have not completed a four-year college bachelor’s degree. The definition also applies to a student who regularly resided with and received support from only one parent/guardian, and whose only such parent/guardian did not complete a bachelor’s or 4-year college degree.

We ask the following questions to ensure that students are connected to helpful resources at WSU:


Student Acknowledgement: Please read and type your name in lieu of your signature.
I certify that the information provided on this application is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and true. As a TRIO Student Support Services Program applicant, I give my permission to TRIO to collaborate with other campus offices to confirm, review, obtain, or make copies of all necessary Westfield State University and prior educational documents (i.e., financial aid records, high school and college transcripts, disabilities documentation, assessment results, etc.) to determine eligibility for and/or enhance the effectiveness of the program and services provided to me. I also give permission for TRIO personnel to share information with appropriate educators and college representatives as necessary to support my educational progress and academic success.