OSaxman Spring Program


Please Read This registration puts your athlete in the OSaxman Regular Program

Program Info:
No practices May 19, July 1, July 6. Last training day is July 9 or July 10.
Cost includes OSaxman gear, beach training 3x per week.

12/13U Girls: Tues/Thurs 6-730, Sun11-1230/ Start May 13.
14 Girls Group #1: M/W 430-6, Sun 230-4. Start May 12.
14 Girls Group #2: M/W 6-730, Sun 230-4. Start May 12.
15U Girls: Tues/Thurs 430-6, Sun 230-4. Start May 20.
16U Girls: Tues/Thurs 6-730pm, Sun 1230-2. Start May 27.
17/18U Girls: Tues/Thurs 6-730, Sun 4-530. Start May 27.

12/13u Boys: Tues/Thurs 430-6, Sun 11-1230. Start May 13
14U Boys: M/W 6-730, Sun 11-1230. Start May 12.
15U Boys: M/W 430-6, Sun 1230-2. Start May 12.
16U Boys: M/W 6-730, Sun 4-530. Start May 26.
17/18U Boys: M/W 6-730, Sun 4-530. Start May 19.




Partial Refunds for exceptional circumstances

Terms and Conditions

The applicant understands that risk is inherent in any physical activity and agrees that the Volleydome and/or any individual connected with them will not be held responsible for any accidents or loss however caused. By registering for a session with the Volleydome I accept personal responsibility for my participation in any activities and I agree to do so at my own risk.
The Volleydome will not be responsible for any loss, damage, injury or ambulance service in connection with such participation.
I understand that every attempt will be made to contact the guardian or emergency contact should any emergency medical treatment or services be necessary. In the event that I or my alternate contact can not be reached, I give full consent for any licensed emergency service/medical personnel to provide treatment or service necessary to maintain the health of my child.
Applicant agrees to permit the Volleydome to take photographs of your son or daughter, which may be used on our website or for promotional purposes.
