RSVP for

2020 Creative Problem Solving Society (CPSS)

Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, November 25
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


if you indicate on this form

that you will be attending the meeting.

Thank you!  Any questions?

CPSS is a 100% Canadian federally-registered charity and non-profit society. As such, we are required to demonstrate our commitment to the community we serve.
We also need to show that we have COMMUNITY SUPPORT for our programs so that we can continue to receive our grants. One way community support is determined is by the number of members we have.

The Society Act requires that we have your full name and address on record. Please be assured that this information will not be distributed or shared with any other party.

Optional Information: If you wish to be included in our organization in any way please complete the information below.
All Odyssey of the Mind and CPSS events are run by volunteers just like yourself and we need your help! Would you be able to volunteer for any of the following positions?
Please note: After submitting this form you will be automatically re-directed to Paypal, even if you've indicated that you don't need a membership at this time. Be assured that your response has been recorded at this point. If no payment is required you can simply close the Paypal website once it pops up and you are done. Thank you!
CPSS Membership 2020/2021