College of Graduate and Continuing Education



An appeal is a formal process. Appeal decisions will be made in accordance with University policy, where applicable. In case of course withdrawal, appeals are almost always denied if the issue is not the responsibility of University faculty, staff, or systems, or the result of documented extreme circumstances.
Please indicate which of the following policies you are appealing (check all that apply). Complete policy details are available on the Westfield State University website and the Westfield State University Catalog, in conjunction with other CGCE publications:

Please use the space below for a statement of justification explaining the grounds of your appeal. It is your responsibility to provide proof that your appeal is justified; incomplete or inaccurate information will result in denial of your appeal. Be specific – include course information and instructor (where appropriate), semester, dates, etc. In addition, wherever possible, attach below any documents validating your statement. Relevant emails may be copy/pasted into the field below or forwarded separately from this appeal form to Any documents that cannot be attached electronically may be forwarded to Jessica Tansey, Director of CGCE, 577 Western Avenue, Westfield, MA 01086.
For requests for extension of Program of Study, please provide an expected timeline of completion.

Please be aware that all details in your statement will be verified.