Registration Form 

Cost Escalation and Lead Times Seminar/Webinar with MKRB, P.C.

Independent Electrical Contractors of New England (IEC Office)

1800 Silas Deane Hwy, Rocky Hill, CT 06067

June 29, 2021 | 9:00 am - 10:00

In addition to the Seminar being offered in-person, a live virtual component will also be available. The virtual component will be offered via Zoom. Registration fees and process remain the same for both the in-person seminar and/or the webinar.
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Seminar/Webinar Fees
Members: $50.00 - Non-Members: $100.00

Please click on the arrow to select a number of attendees.

Please click on the field to see the total fees.

CSA | 1131-O Tolland Turnpike, # 272 | Manchester, CT 06042-1679 | Phone: (866) 995-3919 |