By providing my name and date in the following spaces, I agree to the above Parental Release/Hold Harmless Agreement
First & Last Name
Today's Date
Select Grade Age Group For Your Child's Participation
2024-25 Winter Friday Night KCP Skills Trainings
4-5th Graders. Fridays, Nov. 8, 15, 22. Dec. 6, 13, 20. Jan. 3. 5:30-6:45pm ... $185.
6th Graders. Fridays, Nov. 8, 15, 22. Dec. 6, 13, 20. Jan. 3. 5:30-6:45pm ... $185.
7-9th Grader Training is now CLOSED!
Player Participant Information
First Name
Last Name
Current Age
Player Position(s)
Parent / Guardian Contact Information
First & Last Name
Parent Cell Phone # (include area code)
Ex. 816-123-4567
Parent Email
Parent #2, cell #
Parent #2, email
Other Information
Security Code
Click the Submit Button Once. Do not double click.
If on clicking Submit, you get a RED screen - scroll back up to review; you have inadvertently failed to provide information in a "required" field(s).