We welcome web sites that have some association with the Log Homes industry. If your web site has such a relationship, we invite you to exchange links with us.

First, put up our link into your links page.
Here's our link info:

<A HREF="http://www.loghomesofthesmokies.net" STYLE="COLOR:blue"><B>Log Homes of The Smokies</B></A> - Log Homes of The Smokies provides the most complete log home packages available on the market today. Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality, most complete log homes at a price that cannot be matched.

Once placed, it should look as indicated below:

Log Homes of The Smokies - Log Homes of The Smokies provides the most complete log home packages available on the market today. Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality, most complete log homes at a price that cannot be matched.