By providing my name and date in the following spaces, I agree to the above Parental Release/Hold Harmless Agreement

Player Participant Information

Ex. 10-12-2017

Parent / Guardian Contact Information
Ex. 816-123-4567

Other Information

Once you have filled out the form to your satisfaction type in the following security code, then click Submit. NOTE that if you have inadvertently left out required information a red screen will appear, scroll up to see what you have missed, provide the response, then click the Submit button again.
Please note, that once at, that the dates provided on the payment page are “registration dates,” not “league play” dates.
* Upper or Lower Case Letters Will Work
*Click the Submit Button ONLY ONCE!
Upon submission you be taken to our online credit card payment system provided by Snap! Spend. --- NOTE that you must have access to your e-mail to receive the code generated by Snap! Spend to initiate the payment process. --- Don't see the e-mail? Check your spam folder!